Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No candy?

This Halloween we did it like most Halloween's carve pumpkins and make pumpkin seeds but this year we didn't go trick or treat yeah i know I'm 9 no candy its crazy:(


johnhinson said...

No candy?!?!? Yeah right. Perhaps you should enlighten everyone on what REALLY happened.

Jenny said...

frankly I'm proud of you...candy rots your teeth.

But I'm beginning to think we aren't getting the whole truth here...what's this your dad is saying?

Bryan said...

no candy? what happened to the bags of candy bars that I sent your parents to give to you guys?
3 bags of Snickers Bars, 2 bags of Butterfingers, 4 bags of Gummy Bears, and 10 bags of assorted snack bars?

sounds like your parents are holding out on you guys!

iceaxe said...

no im not going to tell you what happened i like the story as is